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020 3719 7256 / 07422 552491
Podiatry / Chiropody
Nail surgery - under local anaesthetic using 89% liquid phenol to destroy the nail matrix. This has a 95% success rate for no regrowth of nail that is ingrowing.
Verruca needling - under local anaesthetic
Verruca - Cryotherapy -59 degrees/chemicals 60% Sal Acid
Verruca - Cryoalfa - 89 degrees, small additional charge for this method to cover costs of cartridges .
Nail reconstruction - reducing damaged nails and replacing them with bespoke gel nails. Can last 4-6 weeks. Extra charge for this procedure.
General podiatry - corns, callus/hard skin, nail cutting, athletes foot, cracked heels, thick nails, fungal nails, in-growing toe nails.
Athletes foot - using the new Clinisept+ regime (Clinisept+ sold separately) advice and leaflets provided.
Fungal nail test kit - five minute test to confirm a positive or negative result for the presence of nail fungi. Extra charge for this test.
Lacuna Method - (no longer available) treatment for fungal nails. A procedure which involves the drilling of multiple holes in the nail with a fine ball burr. This allows access for the anti-fungal spray to reach the infected site, allowing the fungus to die and healthy new nail to grow fungus free.
Cracked Heels - fissures can be extremely painful and difficult to treat at home. The podiatrist with remove all the dead skin and apply a thick Urea based emollient.
After-care - all treatments are assessed and explained, the importance of self-care is talked about including correct footwear, best products to use, when to use them, how often, tips/hints explained to help improve your feet including stretching/strengthening foot exercises demonstrated. Leaflets are provided, follow-up appointments booked when needed.
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